FREE Portrait Design Consultation

Statistics show that families have a professionally created portrait about every 9.6 years. Whether you choose SpectraLight Photography & Design for your family portrait or another studio; you will be better prepared for a photograph that will be enjoyed for years to come with a FREE Portrait Design Consultation.

We'll discuss: 1) the color and style of clothes that should be worn, 2) where the portrait will be displayed, 3) the relationships of each person who will be in the portrait.

You'll see: 1) portraits created in our studio as well as our clients' homes, yard, park, Lake Erie and other locations that make for one-of-a-kind settings, 2) various sizes prints to help you visualize the appropriate size for your home decor.

At the end of your design session, you will have enough information to make your portrait one that will be remembered and cherished forever!

Why schedule your FREE Portrait Design Consultation today? There is no cost or obligation. Call (440) 748-6300.

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